Q: What type of Guarantee do you offer on purchases?
A: Our No Hassle Guarantee is just that! If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase from us, please return it for a refund. That's it...period.
Q: What history do you have with secure online ordering?
A: As I write this, we've been in business for 20 years with the website now online for 17 years with a secure buying online feature protected by SiteSafe from Network Solutions and monitored by Security Metrics. We have not had one case of identity theft from our system during that time and we continue to upgrade with the best security features.
Q: Can I order by any other way than through your online method?
A: We recognize that not everyone will feel comfortable ordering online. Please feel free to call us at 303-772-8425 and we'll be happy to handle your order over the phone.
Q: If I order more than one item, do I have to pay shipping costs for each?
A: We consolidate shipping expenses where ever possible. Multiple items going to the same address will always end up with a lower shipping charge than the computer acknowledges as we manually adjust your order amount here before shipping. Should you want to know exact figures, don't hesitate to e-mail us at cruisin@indra.com or call 303-772-8425 for this information.
Q: At what point do you charge my credit card for online ordering?
A: When you order online from us, your credit card is not immediately charged. We do that manually at the time we ship your order. This is for a good reason as we might be temporarily out of stock and have to get stock in to cover your order. I don't want your card charged while you're waiting on us to ship your order.
Q: I'm looking for a particular print, but don't find it in your search engine, can you help?
A: Yes, just call or e-mail us with your request. Sometimes the title of a print is an odd collection of words and if not spelled the way the artist spells it, the search engine will have trouble finding it. Also, having had a relationship with our artists for many years, we have a vast knowledge of their work, past, and present. If it's a newly issued print, check out the New Appearance Gallery. Also, have a look at the Artist Galleries page which includes an example of each artist's work.
Q: I'm looking for a gift for my husband (wife, boss, motorhead friend) but have no idea what is appropriate. Any ideas?
A: If they're a motorcycle enthusiast, check the Gifts for Bike Lovers Gallery. If they're a classic car or hot rod enthusiast, check the Gifts for Car Lovers Gallery. We also offer a wide selection of Clocks and Metal and Customizable Signs. Give us a call and tell us a little about them, what they drive or ride and we'll be glad to offer suggestions. We can ship directly to them if you prefer.
Q: How do you handle shipping costs out of the United States?
A: Shipping costs listed on our website are for shipments within the US. Orders going to Canada and other international destinations may carry higher cost depending on the item. Please contact us if you have any questions.